How to Apply
Use the following online form to be considered for infant, toddler or preschool admission.
You may also email us at
Admissions Process
Applicants are selected on the basis of the number of open spaces available in each classroom, with a maximum full-time enrollment of:
- 7 infants
- 7-9 older infants and young toddlers
- 18 toddlers
- 38 preschoolers and pre-kindergartners
Openings vary each year depending on current families and children transitioning to kindergarten. We wish we could accommodate all interested families, but unfortunately, we are limited by space.
Criteria for Enrollment
Enrollment for openings follows these criteria:
- The age of applicant at admittance as s/he corresponds with the number of openings in his/her age group.
- Enrollment priority is given first to siblings of current children, and children of alumni of the Lemberg Children's Center (nearly all associated with Brandeis as well), next to Brandeis employees and students, and then to the general public.
- Within these groupings we order applications by the date of receipt of the application form.
- Due to the limited amount of financial assistance available, the Children's Center cannot guarantee a scholarship and reserves the right to offer a spot at any tuition level on our scale.
Additional Information
Our Center usually has a wait list for spots in the infant and toddler classrooms. Consequently, we recommend applying as early as possible.
Acceptances for the School Year Program will be mailed out by mid-March and continue until all available openings are filled. Once you receive an email or letter of acceptance for fall, you will have two weeks to accept and return a partial non-refundable deposit of $500. The full deposit equal to one month’s tuition (minus the initial $500 payment) is required by June 15th or prior to the child’s starting date if enrolled mid-year or along with a school year and/or summer contract.
A suggested child orientation procedure and necessary forms will be mailed with the enrollment information. All child file forms, permission signatures, medical and required state forms (including if required, an Individual Health Care Plan) must be returned to Lemberg before your child may attend school or camp.
Children accepted to the School Year Program may be offered a spot in the preceding Summer Program. We should know by mid-April if there are summer spaces available.