While the Lemberg Summer Camp is a separate program of the Children's Center, it is very much a continuation of our educationally enriching school-year program. It is led by many of our school-year teachers and the wonderful Brandeis students who work 30 hours a week and provide rich exploratory experiences for children.

The summer program curriculum is drawn from the interests of the children and planned around themes that take the children on trips of fantasy in our own backyard — this extraordinary university campus.
- Our Environmental Education Program goes into full gear as we have two full-time interns and a quarter acre garden to farm for fruit, herbs and vegetables which we care for and cook up. The children are all involved in planting, watering, weeding, tasting, harvesting and preparing food for the other groups in the community to give away and sell.
- We have a Creative Arts Program with a leading Boston dramatist, Chandra Pieragostini of City Stage Company, as a lead teacher and a rich musical opportunities lead by our two singer-song writers, Scott Kepnes and Josh Rose.
Summer Camp is designed so parents can select and pay only for the weeks they need. Though mostly comprised of children who either attend or plan to attend one of the Lemberg Children's Center programs during the school year, all children are welcome.
Hours and Dates (2024)
Week | Dates |
Week 1 | June 24-28 |
Week 2 | July 1-5 (Holiday, July 04) (90% rate) |
Week 3 | July 8-12 |
Week 4 | July 15-19 |
Week 5 | July 22-26 |
Week 6 | July 29 - August 02 |
Week 7 | August 5-9 |
Week 8 | August 12-16 |
The center is CLOSED August 19 - 23, 2024 to prepare for our school year. The 2024 -2025 school year begins August 26, 2023.
Summer Program Spaces
Our program is intentionally small — around 30 children in the preschool (divided into two classrooms), and four classrooms for infants and toddlers with the average group size being seven. Though we spend a lot of time outside, we have a classroom on the first floor set up as a playroom/gross motor room and a larger space on the second floor for these activities too.
Our lead teachers and teaching assistants usually have worked in our school-year program. Nearly all work full time and are working the majority of the summer. Executive director, Howard Baker oversees all programs of the Lemberg Children's Center, and will lead a parenting discussion program. "ACT Raising Safe Kids."
Health and Safety
As with our school-year program, our facilities are nut, peanut, egg and sesame-seed and oil free and our staff welcomes working with children who have special educational needs. We provide all the support that our children need and consult with specialists in speech, sensory processing, motor development and psychology.
Sample of Daily Activities
Small group play/project times where children choose which activity (art projects, blocks, playhouse, puzzles, etc.) they will participate in.
Large group meetings — including stories, discussions of the daily plans, puppets, songs — followed by small group activities based on curricular plans lead by teachers.
Outside play time (preceded by hand washing, diapering and toileting).
Lunch and two snack times (preceded by hand washing, diapering and toileting).
Pre-nap activities — toileting, stories, reading, listening to records or tapes.
All children sleep or rest on their cots during nap time (approximately one hour, unless parents specify other arrangements).
After nap (which is usually about an hour and fifteen minutes) the children have a snack and then go outside for water play.